Thursday, February 23, 2012

Photo A Day update...

LOL this seems to becoming a 'photo' blog ;)
I continue on with February Photo A Day challenge over @ fat mum slim...
Day 15 - phone
Day 16 - something new...hehe couldn't get any newer than this ;) it still has it's egg attached! There is huge excitement in our house over the spiny leaf insects, think about 20 eggs have hatched so far!!!

Day 17 - time...sadly we don't have a clock in the house, only the digital time on an appliance & when we lose power...we rely on mobile phones ;)

Day 18 - drink...I did enjoy a 'girls night' out this night & bubbles were consumed, but not this bottle, not sure when to crack this one...I am a little intriqued ;) DH brought it home for me, it's just the gold flakes that has thrown me!

Day 19 - something you hate to do...haha that would have to be ironing! I don't iron...thankfully I've got a gorgeous husband who I'm able to sweet talk into doing it most of the time!

Day 20 - son is constantly writing & drawing, creating stuff! Haha who knows, can't read most of it with his made up names but it is special to him! :)

Day 21 - a favourite photo of you...this was a hard one! I know it's really bad, but I'm super critical of photos of myself, it's something I'm working on ;) but this photo was taken by a super gorgeous friend & I tend to use it a lot!

Day 22 - where you work...wouldn't it be lovely to get paid for this kind of work ;) my very embarrassing scrap desk at the moment!

Day 23 - your shoes...if I'm not wearing runners, it's these!

All up to date now...sorry for such a photo overload ;)

1 comment:

  1. Great pics. Love how you can get to know someone through some simple everyday pics.
