Monday, July 26, 2010

Blog Award!

I'm completely blown away to receive this from the lovely Sue, & have to say a huge 'thank you' to her xx. The feeling is mutual ;)

Here is the rules that go with this award...
1. Put the Swap Sisters Bonny Blog Award on my blog.
2. Share 5 thing about myself.
3. Pass the award onto 5 other Bonny Blogs.
4. Add links to my 5 chosen Bonny Blog winners.
5. Let them know they have been chosen to win the Swap Sisters Bonny Blog Award by leaving a comment on their blog.

The 5 things about myself...
1. I still don't know what I want to do when I grow up! I was very lucky with jobs, but kind of fell into a career without ever chosing to do it!!!
2. I have a thing about eyes, can't watch or hear anything slightly icky to do with them...hehe I'll never be a contact wearer!
3. I love the beach...the feel of the sand & the sound of the surf, pure peace!
4. I'm a shocking hoarder...sorry mum!
5. I accidently walked off the end of a pier when I was young...& if that wasn't embarrassing enough, my dad jumped in after me!!! (It was really shallow water!)

Now the tricky bit...nominating only 5 people who inspire me! There are so many that do this, but here goes...
1. Michelle
2. Sonia
3. Belinda
4. Gigi
5. Lou (I know she's already received this award, but it simply seemed wrong to not include her!)

Thank you again...& to everyone that takes the time to post on my blog, I love reading all your comments! xx


  1. omgosh paula, thanks!! you're soo sweet xoxo

  2. You Beautiful Person you!!!!!

    Thank you xoxoxoxoxo

  3. Thanks for passing this on Paula!
    BTW -I have an "eye thing" too! I cant stand anything near my eyes and would NEVER be able to cope with contacts...I cant even handle eye drops! LOL

  4. Hi lovely Paula:) i haven't been bloghopping for ages, thought I would come and visit-and OMG- YOU ARE ROCKING GIRLY!!!! These layouts are fantastic, totally love everything you have done!
    Keep safe gorgeous gal-miss our FA chats xoxox

  5. thanks Paula, i have never had a blog award so thankyou!!!!!!!!!!!!!
