Friday, September 6, 2013

Day 3 share...

Third day of retreat layouts...I'm certainly making up for my 'slack blogger' status ;)

The next 2 layouts were actually completed while at retreat...most are still needing little finishing touches :)

I had a lot of fun creating this one, with a bit of influence from Ebony here (trying to replicate her dylusion spots)...though nothing like her amazing style, but I like it anyway! It's the process of simply playing that is the real fun!

& "A man @ 12" using more of MME papers which I adore...who would have thought I would have had use for the moustache, they are very 'in' right now!

Thanks for stopping always, a huge thank you for all your lovely comments! They do add a smile to my day :) x
Happy scrapping!


  1. oh I just love that "twelve" layout!! gorgeous stenciling, fabulous colours and a great boy page!! *love*

  2. Boy oh boy, Mr mojo was raging for you Paula. These are both fabulous. Thanks for sharing. Cheers Di xo

  3. Now that's some gorgeous work, Paula.
    Stunning work, lovely :)

  4. Great LOs Paula. Love the misting and masking. Awesome :)

  5. These look wonderful.. a pretty layout and a blokey layout.. love the moustache!!

  6. Fabulous layouts Paula, i'm still playing catch-up with my mojo layouts aswell. It's taking forever!
    Love your boy one. lol at the facial hair.
    Cheers. :)

  7. Theses are both stunning Paula! Love how different they are. The colours in the first one are so eye catching! xx
