Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Hope everyone had a brilliant start to the new year & not feeling too tender today!

We had a fab night...dinner on the beach & watched the 9pm fireworks, then home for 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show', which finished just in time to watch the midnight fireworks on TV. I managed to get a few photos of the fireworks...hehe, I've still got a lot to learn in the art of photography ;) will post my fav later.

Whilst blog hopping this morning, I noticed this on Nicole Pomeroy's blog. Since yesterday, after visiting Lisa Warren's blog, I've been thinking about what word would suit my 2011...after much thought, I had come up with NURTURE, so when I read this line "This is about taking time to nurture your creative self every single day." I was totally hooked!

Looks like I'm hitting the shops today for an art book :)


  1. great word Paula.. NURTURE .. remember to take time out for yourself as so many women forget about themselves.. I have journalled for years..since I was in my teens ... it is great for me to read back and see how I have changed and evolved my soul over the years word is TRUST .. "I trust in the process of life !!!" take care, Hugs x

  2. Hehe! Great word! Love how even though we have the same word, it has totally personal meanings for us! xx
